
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Aamer Ambol and a click for Bri

This month click has a very noble cause , To stand with Bri for the fight against Breast cancer , This is our utmost priority to support her when her Medical Insurance company doesn’t feel the same .She has every right to live life happily .Visit Jai and Bee here Click June- Special Edition to know more about click for Briana Brownlow of Figs with Bri and also support her to Chip in for a good cause . You can see the entries and chip in here Here .

This click is Mango chutney (Amer Ambol in Bengali ), which is mango cooked in sugar syrup with a tinge of spice so its sweet spicy mango chutney .This is a recipe from my initial posts,you can read more about the recipe , visit this recipe link Mango Chutney (Amer Ambol) .
Happy Cooking Friends


  1. When i saw the pic first i thought they wee potato curry.
    Nice click

  2. Great Yellow entry Jaya, looks simple and delicious!:)

  3. Jaya,

    You have no idea what a tremendous service you are doing to me...and I am sure to many others as well. Aamer ombol used to be such a favorite during the summer mom would cook it almost everyday. Thanks for bringing back all those childhood memories with that yummy looking picture of my favorite amer ombol :)

    take care,

  4. delicious click. lovely color.

  5. Happy,
    thanks for coming here

    indeed this is simple and so delicious .

    Thanks for coming here , Amer ambol to aamader fav too , hain mayer hate rannar alada e anondo .
    tobe eyita Paka aamer ambol , kancha aamer ekto different taste hoye toker dike thake aar ambol o khete bhalo hoye .

    thanks for liking yellow mango chutney .


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