
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Down The Memory Lane-Neem Begun and Kundro Bhaja

There are times when you recollect your memories , and down the memory lane you think about some of your lost hobbies , things that gave you immense pleasure ,one thing that kept me going was listening to songs by Abba , I simply don’t know when and how I got hooked to this beautiful group, I was not even born when they were singing their hit numbers .Abba for me was kind of a revolution and I would often spent hours listening to the cassette I fondly purchased from my pocket money savings. My Parents possibly wont connect to this group, for them it was there favorite Bengali songs or Hindi film songs, although My father would encourage me to listen to some instrumental pieces like Ventures and all 70’s group that includes “Come September” and “Dance with the Devil” , but I was more keen on listening to songs by Abba .What fascinates me was there simple words but deep meaning , often indicating and making statements against many on going political and socio- economic situations also .Dancing queen made me feel like queen and ready to explore the world , the world that was still not known to me , I was ready to go that extra mile .Four Swedish people Agnetha, Frida, Benny and Bjorn made histories with their platinum jubilee albums and the world sang with them , Such was the magic of this group. Well all said and now I wind up my short story .Time for me let you know the recipes .

These are some of the unusual recipes that I am posting today , one is neem begun which is neem leaves and eggplant dry fry .This is a starter in every lunch menu as Bengalis love to start their meals with Teto( Bitter), neem begun is good in case of hot summer as it acts as a fine antidotes to many diseases. Every part of neem tree is useful,the leaves, trunk ,and fruit. Neem as such is very useful , more information Here and Here .

Neem Begun
Neem leaves 3-4 (very tender and young leaves)
1 Brinjal cut into small cubes
1 tsp of turmeric powder
½ tsp of salt
2 tbs of mustard oil
Wash and clean neem leaves, cut the brinjal and marinate with turmeric powder and salt , set aside for 5 mints
Now first fry the brinjal pieces in hot mustard oil and at low for 5mints, till they are brown. Take out in a bowl
Now fry the neem leaves at low for mints ,till they are brown ,don’t burn them as it would end up making them more bitter .
Mix and Mash the Fried Brinjal and Neem Leaves , serve with warm Rice .
there is another version at Sutapas Web Page Here .

Kundru Bhaja (Fry)
Ivy Gourd or Coccinia grandis or Tindora or Dondakaya in Telegu or Kovakkai in Tamil or kovaka in Keralaand Tondekai in Kannada as Asha Told me , More info here vegetable is good for many ailments including heart diseases and Diabetes . .Kundro is fondly eaten in eastern Part of UP also This is a simple recipe for dry fry , Kundro is fried with less spices and is served with rotis I have eaten this fondly at mom’s place and from then on , I have tried to include more this to our normal meals .

20 Kundro – cut in between
1 tsp of turmeric powder
1tsp of salt
1 tsp of Panch Phoron
2 tbs of mustard oil
Wash and clean kundro and cut them, now marinate them in turmeric and salt.
Heat up mustard oil and add panch Phoron, Now add kundro and fry them at med for 5mints, add red pepper Powder,salt and little bit of water , cover and cook for 5-7mints till the vegetable is still crunchy. Enjoy with Rotis and rice .

Happy Cooking Friends .


  1. ABBA is my husband's fave band, we have all of their cds!:D
    You know they are making a film on one of the AbbA girl's life story too, don't remember the name right now.
    Neem leaves, never cooked with it,looks great with eggplants. Tondekai in Kannada, love that veggie!:))

  2. Asha,
    Its nice to know that your hubby also likes Abba ..they are filming Mamma Mia with Meryl Streep based on their life story I guess , but not too sure about it ...anyway Kundro , called Todekai in Kannada will update it also .
    Neem leaves cooked with Eggplants are little bitter,but it taste great with warm cooked rice.
    This veggie taste great even with little spice .
    thanks for coming
    hugs and smiles

  3. I love ABBA'a music, their story and everything, eversince my older sisters took me for ABBA's movie when I was a kid.

    Neem, Begun looks lovely. It has transported me back to when I was staying close to CR park in Delhi where neem leaves were sold and I used to wonder how to make them.

  4. delicious curry! BTW, something is waiting for you at my blog. Pick it up at this address:

  5. ABBA is my fav band too... its been long time since i actually sat and listened to music. u took me down the memory lane with ur write-up jaya...

  6. You are introducing me to new flavors here! Thanks - I am always up for these:)

  7. Delhibelle,
    You lived closed to CR park, oh! that place is the hub of Bengali culture ..Neem begun , ok now u know ...

    thanks for thinking about me, and its good to see you around here ..

    Those were wonder years and memories are always golden ,I am Glad I was able to revive it for you.

    welcome here and its good that somehow It was helpful to all of you ..
    hugs and smiles

  8. nice recipe with dondakkai:-) it's the third one coincidentally in the past 45 minutes that I am coming across while blog browsing! I never knew neem leaves were used in cooking. The flowers and seeds are used in Ugadi pacchadi in Andhra Pradesh - to give the bitter taste - and also in subji. This is nice, as it makes use of the leaves as well. I only knew of leaves used in hot water while bathing after chicken pox.

  9. You know Jaya everything I wanted to learn about Bengali cooking but never got the opportunity to...I am finding here right on your blog.
    The best part is you choose authentic bangla ranna ...just the like that one would want to have for lunch in a hot summer day! :)

  10. Shreya,
    its good to see you here , and its good to know about Andhra cooking as well ...Thats why neem leaves act as antidotes to many diseases ..

    I try to post what we make on a daily basis...and its feel nice that somehow I managed to help you..
    Hugs and smiles

  11. Jayashree, neem begun is my all time favorite, and I make it a point to have it throughout summer. I don;t know hoe some people have an aversion toward neem, but I love it. Neem shukto is another favorite. The pictures are great!

  12. both the recipes are too new to me :) . glad that you posted this.

  13. neem leaves in a dish! its wonder to me. i never heard. It should be healthy recipe..

  14. Yes and thats the best feels just like home! :)

  15. Indranee,
    I know people have certain reservations in eating neem leaves, but just look at the health benefits it gives ....Ah! I love Neem shukto also ..

    thanks dear for coming ...

    Spicy Andhra,
    Thanks and trust me its real healthy.

    thank you , thank you hugs
    thanks ladies for coming here

  16. Wow never heard of neem leaves used in cooking. Excellent recipe!

  17. neem begun ta dekhe aar thakte parchi na. ki muskil!! ekon kothai je neem pata pai-


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