
Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Meme and Fruit Punch

I was being tagged by Sra for this Bookish Meme , I don’t read much , as if I don’t wish to , But with my little one , My life is a roller coaster Ride .
Last time I read Japanese wife and that was some two-three months ago , now I just picked this book by a comparatively new writer, her first book but surprisingly very fresh and witty.

now as per Rule ,
Pick up the nearest book
Goto Page 123
Now Find the fifth sentence
post next three sentence
Tag 5 People and acknowledge the person who tagged you ,
So, I start with these lines from Page 123 ,

~I heard that jerk Shiven say that there was no wonder that true love has blossomed between me and Zahid Pathan, because he was a small town, non-MBA-Holding , sports quota type and his English sucked; just like mine, apparently .”They’ll be so matching-matching,’ he was saying to the guys in Research and Planning, they‘re from the same sec, after all! D minus minus!’ Then He cackled his stupid shrill cackle.
~I wanted to shove my ball point pen up his nose. Instead, I said snootily that I was expecting a call from Barkha Dutt,went to my cabin and tried to write a new Chocolate Maximilk Brief .

Here "I " is Zoya and Thsese lines are from The Zoya Factor by Anuja Chauhan .
Anuja Chauhan has worked in Advertising for over fourteen years and has unleashed lines like Yeh Dil Mange More, Mera Number Kab Aayega, and Nothing Official about it, and Oye Bubbly .This is her first attempt at writing a book.

Now I would like to pass it on to






Also I would like to mention some of the awards that has been forwarded to me .
Uma has forwarded Blogging friends forever award ,Thanks Uma .
Sanhita has forwarded Brilliant weblog award .

Thank you all for thinking about me .

Now to The recipe

Fruit Punch
1 Pomegranate
1 sweet lime
½ tsp of salt
½ tsp of black pepper powder
1 tsp of sugar or Honey
Take out juices from the fruits , add salt, sugar and black pepper powder and cumin powder .Chill or drink fresh .
This fruit punch is good for toddlers as it gets a refreshing effect and provides nourishment .
This Fruit Punch is going to Sunshine Mom for her event

,Food In Colors Red -August
Visit her lovely blog for more details .

Happy Cooking Friends .


  1. Hey Jaya, thanks for taking up this tag. The lines are interesting, I'll look for this book.
    Your chicken curry looks good.

  2. Hi Jaya, just read your comment this morning. Thanks for tagging me, good one. I might do it when I come back which will probably be few months from now, too much work at home!:))
    Punch looks yummy and refreshing, we need that now. It's still too hot here, waiting for the cooler Fall!Take care, hugs!:))

  3. Sra,
    Thanks it was something I enjoyed doing ..and hey !this book is very witty and sometimes nasty , but had that sweet romantic touch ..thanks for liking Chicken curry also..

    You feel comfortable , and do whenevr you would like to do , no Hurry LOL..
    and Ya this drink is refreshing and cool ...
    Thanks for taking time out of your busy day ..
    Hugs and smiles

  4. Hi Jaya!
    Thanks for the tag.Much as I hate tags i see this one has something to do with a book ... so it is welcome. I'll do it for you.:-)
    Fruit punch looks good.

  5. Thanks for the book meme and the juice:) I am thirsty right now and could with a coolant like this!


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