
Friday, February 13, 2015

Spaghetti Pasta cooked with Prawn, Cherry Tomato and Red Chard Tender leaves

We have liked pasta recipes and it’s not a hidden secret from this blog’s readers like you.Our weekend nights are mostly pasta nights, and in the past I have shared other pasta recipes as well.Today it's spaghetti pasta with prawns, cherry tomato , red chard tender leaves cooked in marinara sauce.

I had spaghetti pasta, and was thinking to use them up soon.As the school half term holidays have started here with this weekend, I have to find ways for making my daughter enjoy her food and also keep her entertained.This spaghetti pasta was well received and appreciated by her today as her lunch.Although I will say ,this still can be cooked for a lazy weekend Valentine night celebrations, in case you don’t fancy, eating out and paying hefty sums.What ever be the occasion, love doesn't need a particular day.Every day is a lovable day, and it’s up to us how we make it beautiful.
I also happened to pick prawns this time, and wanted to make chingri - malaikari, but then thought will use it up in this pasta preparation, so this "Chingri pasta recipe" was ready.I had greens like red chard tender leaves and wild rocket leaves, which also increased the nutrients factor, so as those juicy cherry tomatoes.With all those vegetables and prawns, this spaghetti pasta recipe turned out very delicious.Now to the recipe

Spaghetti pasta cooked with prawn, cherry tomato and red chard in marinara sauce
Recipe requirements
  • Half a packet of spaghetti or roughly 250 Gms of spaghetti
  • 300 Gms of prawn- head and tail removed
  • 1 medium size onion
  • 4-5 fat cloves of garlic
  • 10-15 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 big juicy ripened tomato
  •  1 red bell pepper, - sun-dried pepper even better
  • 2-3 handfuls of red chard tender leaves
  • 1 hand full of rocket leaves

  • ¼ tsp of Italian dried herb mix
  •  1 small twig of fresh thyme
  • ½ tsp of red pepper powder
  • 1 tsp of salt or as per taste
  • 3-4 tbs of cooking oil/olive oil
  •  2-3 heaped tbs of any pasta sauce (skip if using ripened tomato)
  • 2 tbs of red wine (optional)

  • Heat up a large saucepan filled with water. Let it come to one boil; add in half a tsp of salt to it and few tsp of cooking oil. Add in uncooked spaghetti to it and let it cook for 8-10 mints. Scoop out about a 1 ½ cups of this pasta water and discard rest of water.
  • Clean prawns, and take off the head and tail.Marinate this with little salt and keep aside.
  • Now heat up a separate cooking pan, add in olive oil, and add in chopped garlic. Let it stir/fry it to get a nice brown colour.Add in chopped onion. Let it stir/fry it for 4-5 mints.
  • Add in cherry tomatoes, and red bell pepper. Adjust seasonings with salt and red pepper powder.
  • Add in marinated prawns. Add in red chard leaves. I have also used rocket leaves which give a nice peppery flavor.
  • Add in the reserved pasta water/starch and pasta sauce to it. You can even use fully ripened tomatoes for the sauce and pureed tomato is even better. Add in red wine if you wish to use, which forms base of the marinara sauce.Add in fresh thyme now.
  • Let this sauce cook well on its own juices with cherry tomatoes, prawn, red bell pepper and red chard leaves.
  • After about 10 -12 mints, add in cooked spaghetti, toss and mix well.Stop cooking it further.
  • At the time of serving, garnish with your preferred cheese and red chilly flakes.

Happy Cooking Friends


  1. Jaya, Your daughter must be super lucky to get so delicious looking meals day in and day out.
    Loved the look of the spaghetti.

  2. We do pasta every week too, the kids love it. Yours looks delicious!


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