
Friday, November 12, 2010

Ever Versatile Pressure Cooker Pulao and Some Random Thoughts

These days, I feel like cooking in jiffy. Don’t feel like spending hours in kitchen. Perhaps the weather is responsible for it. Changing season has almost left me on a verge of feeling cold and cosying up under blankets. Trees around us have started to go bare. It seems one vicious life cycle has ended. Strange is the natures’ rule, it just takes one week and the kind of weather we have these days, windy and rainy to wipe out green, strong leaves from their trees. And imagine the amount of work these trees have been putting up after the last spring season which brought bounty of beautiful flowers, vegetables and fruits to our homes. This confirms that nothing is permanent in this world but still we don't want to face the truth.

Golden-yellow, red, brown leaves are everywhere these days. I guess fall season has its own beauty too. Well I try to see the other prospect of nature too, other than being vicious. And I am sometimes amazed by its natural beauty, so raw but yet so pure.
Yesterday, it was very windy; I was walking down the path near our apartment complex and almost felt like it’s going to blow me away. Several broken umbrellas were lying on the path, which tells you about how fast winds were blowing at that time.Wherever you can focus your eyes on,there were piles of dried leaves.
Cold season has arrived early in Britain I guess, as some parts even witnessed first snow of the season. And this is the season, when people gear up for Christmas also. Shops and supermarkets are flooded with all sorts of Christmas goodies. You name it and its there-Biscuit tins, chocolates, cute socks, and all the novelty items.Another eventful year coming to end soon.
Today being Friday, I felt a sigh of relief. No early mornings tomorrow please. Weekends are usually our time to unwind ourself.Just want to live some  lazy moments.
Below are some of the snaps that were captured on our last weekend outing. Three places in one go, but the time is so less. Need some time management tips here.

London by Thames River

Thames River especially at the time of sunset has splendid and perhaps some breath-taking views. If you have some spare time to sit, then perhaps it’s the best way of unwinding yourself. A cup of coffee with your loved one is a special time at Thames River.

Near Birmingham palace, long walks means holding hands with your loved one and easing it out. And when you get tired, spend some time sitting over some of the benches there in the adjoining park area.Spent some time talking with your loved ones about your dreams and aspirations in life.And see your kid chase and feed some squirrels there.
Long walk near the Royal palaces have some splendid views especially during fall season.

Pile of dried leaves and three of us, I really don’t know what made me click this picture. Perhaps can be seen as a remembrance that we were there.

Is this a river of dried and fallen leaves or what?

If trees have their own voices, perhaps this would have asked every passer by-“I have survived till now, but for how long?” This tree was ready to shed all the leaves last weekend. Who knows may be this weekend nothing is left on it, not a single leaf.Can't imagine such beautiful thing is so short-lived.

Trafalgar square the most happening place in central London.Isn’t it a sort of an enigma, how a similar thing/place can be viewed differently and with a new dimensions. Perception about things/places and even people changes with times too.

Are you still with me, so good to hear that .Hope you liked these snaps and don't felt like sleeping.
After all these blabbering, let me write down the recipe now.

Alright then, quick cooking requires my faithful pressure cooker. So, here is the ever versatile recipe for Pulao in Pressure cooker.

Ever Versatile recipe for Pressure Cooker Pulao

Recipe requirements and procedure

Approx 1 and quarter cup of basmati rice .This works well for three of us. If you wish you may increase the measurement for 6-8 people.
2-3 tbs of cooking oil
Some cloves/loung/lobongo may be 3-4
1 stick dalchini/cinnamon
2-3 tej patta/ bay leaf what ever is available
Now when I said ever versatile, I mean it
You can make this pulao pure vegetarian or even non-vegetarian.
If you have pre-grilled or roasted chicken, use them in this pulao.
Another great way to use any left-over shammi kababs or tandoori kababs- for the recipe of Tandoori kabab visit -Click Here

If you wish to make pure vegetarian pulao then the possibilities are innumerable.
You can add any of the following, or may be add in combination.
1 -2 cups of chopped mushrooms
1cup of frozen peas
About half a cup of frozen corn
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
Or even 1 yellow bell pepper
And last 1 tomato chopped finely, this has to be used while making any variations for pressure cooker pulao.
And this is purely made without using any onions/garlic or even ginger.
So what are the flavouring that goes into it
1 tsp of turmeric powder
10-12 black pepper if you wish to add
2 tsp of red pepper powder
1 tsp of salt or as per taste
1 -2 tsp of sugar
Now to the procedure
Heat up pressure cooker pan, add cooking oil.
Temper it with all the whole garam masala, like cloves, cinnamon, black cardamom, and bay leaves.
Now add your choice of vegetables. Fry them well for 2-3 mints.
Add all the flavorings-red pepper powder, turmeric powder, salt and sugar.
Fry it well, add chopped tomatoes. If you wish to make non-veg pulao, then add any leftover grilled or roasted chicken pieces. I had some left-over tandoori kabab from the previous day, so end up using it.

Picture above is taken while I was eating it, my apologies for untidy corners.

I would not suggest using paneer while frying and then pressure cooking, as it may crumble up, but if you do really wish to add. So, it would be better if you prepare a dry fry separately. And then add when the pulao is ready to be eaten. This way paneer will retain the flavor even more.
For the dry-fry recipe of paneer-
Chop finely 1 onion, and 1 tomato. Fry onion/tomato very well with some cooking oil. Add about 2 tsp of red pepper powder, 3-5 tsp of coriander powder, and salt. Fry them well till they start to release oil from sides. Now add about 250 Gms of paneer cubes and mix well. This entire frying and making of paneer takes apporx 10-12 mints.
Add this prepared spicy dry fry paneer to the pulao at the time of serving.

Now you are all ready to put the things on pressure cooking.

What is more important is the amount of water that has to be used in making pressure cooking rice or pulao.
The amount of rice and the amount of water should be equal for good quality basmati rice.
Since I have used 1 cup of rice, I would use 1 cup of water to make pressure cooking rice.
After adding 1 cup of water, close/lock the pressure cooker lid. On medium –high flame, gas mark-5, put the pressure cooker for cooking.
One whistle and take off the pressure cooker from the flame or electric hob.
Let the pressure subside for 5 mints. Open the lid and then do not lock the lid again. This will prevent soggy pulao.If you wish you may squeeze some fresh lemon juice over the cooked pulao to stop over-cooking the pulao.Tip- how would you unlock the lid if you are in hurry. Bring the pressure cooker to the washbasin and run some cold water over it, viola it will work.
Serve with your favorite side-dish of dry spicy paneer or any other curry.
You know I even like to have this ever –versatile pulao with omelets.

Enjoy the fall season and Have a nice weekend friends.


  1. Dear Jaya
    I enjoyed the posting and the write up and the photos. I have spent few winters in Italy and is really depressing in India we just keep waiting for winter to come ( I dont like winter).
    Thanks for the Jiffy Pulao , reserving for cooking soon.. when I will be jiffy ha ha I liked the word and its use.
    Bhalo theko

  2. soul soothing pictures Jaya. such lovely fall colours. the recipe is really very versatile...easy and quick.

  3. loved the glimpse into london in spring...seems so lovely and far away

  4. Wow...that pulao looks amazing Jaya....ya me too feel very to go out but its too cold...the recipe is great and very welcoming.

  5. Hi dear,there is an award for u here
    kindly collect it

    btw pulao is yum!

  6. Hey!!
    beautiful pics...pulao looks simply delicious..

  7. Really enjoyed the the photos!!easy and quick rice!!love it!!

  8. I typed the entire thing for each of you friends, but it seems it's gone(blogger errors)..So, I am keeping it short this time :-)..
    Thanks all for coming here
    hugs and smiles


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