
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oven Baked Tilapia in Coconut milk and Tomato Sauce

Fish and Bengali two inseparable identity, isn’t .But what if you don’t get fresh pona or for that matter rui /katla mach from the local vegetable markets near you. Well in that case, you have options of using frozen fish fillets. I have been cooking with these boneless, skinless tilapia fish fillet for quite a long time now. I also happen to use smoked haddock or cod also which is what I do get easily here.
This recipe can also be used to make salmon fish pieces and white fish fillet also. Add in some vegetables of your choice and it does add a whole lot of color and vibrancy.A very quick fish curry with readily available coconut milk and tomato based pasta sauce.

Oven Baked Tilapia in Coconut milk and Tomato sauce

Recipe Requirements

Frozen tilapia fish fillets thawed-3
Tomato sauce preferably pasta sauce-3-5 tbs
Thick coconut milk- ½ can
½ cup of water
1 tbs of water
2-3 tbs of prepared onion/garlic/ginger paste
Sautéed mushroom- about ½ cup (optional)
Mustard oil- 1-2 tbs
2 tsp of red pepper powder
2 tsp of coriander powder
½ tsp of garam masala
2-3 green chilly
Little bit of turmeric powder and salt for marinating the fish fillet

  1. Thaw fish fillet. Marinate them in turmeric powder and salt for ½ hour and keep it refrigerated while it’s being marinating.
  2. Now prepare the sauce
  3. I do keep always some pre-prepared ginger/garlic and onion paste in refridgerator. So it’s always handy to use whenever it’s required in gravy.
  4. Mix all the ingredients in a big mixing bowl. Coconut milk, water, red pepper powder, garam masala, coriander powder, ginger/garlic /onion paste, tomato pasta sauce, mustard oil and salt. Add little bit of sugar about ½ tsp.
  5. Now in a shallow baking pan, add in this prepared sauce and then top in with the marinating fish.Add in mustard oil and butter also.Add in green chilly slit in between.
  6. Cover with foil and bake the dish for 30-33 mints at 175 deg C if the fish is thawed. And if you forgot to thaw the fish fillet earlier, then layer with the sauce and bake for 50 mints. But I would suggest thawing it as the fish fillet tends to absorb the flavor even more.
  7. You can make salmon fish this way also. Increase the baking time if you are using thick slices.
  8. You may add some sauteed mushroom or frozen green peas also.

I have many times tried recipes from All recipes in past with due credits.Recently, I came to know that they have included this recipe , which I have submitted a long time back in 2006.If you have time, do check in that also. That’s another great way of making rich and spicy fish curry and it has got some great reviews also.

Then this  Baked Haddock Fish curry without coconut milk.Hope you try them out sometimes.

Happy cooking Friends


  1. I have not had fish curry for long actually i never make them home except if you can call praws etc... fish curry, this curry looks so so delicious.

  2. Fish curry looks soo creamy and inviting..

  3. gravy looks wonderful and delicious

  4. Hi,

    The curry looks absolutely delicious, this procedure is quite new to me and interesting. Will certainly give this a try and let you know how it turns out.

    Thanks and regards,

  5. Happy,
    this is quick ..may be you should try it out ..thanks for coming..


    thanks ..

    Well, i prepare this whatever I had in my pantry at that time, but this turn out a great keeper recipe, if you dont want to spend extra time in kitchen..then this is just perefect ..

    Thanks all for coming ..
    hugs and smiles

  6. Dear Jaya
    How are you? This is a very new type of dish for me. Will try soon...dont have Tilapia , but I think I can use Rui too.
    I am bit tied up, so cant visit blogs mostly. I heard the Baul song, you sent to me at my blog. It is very nice.
    Bhalo theko

  7. Ushnish Da,
    Rui will be fine too, pomfret fish ta aro bhalo lagbe khete eyi, take your time for blog hopping ..real life should be first priority than virtual life :)..bhalo thakhben..regards

  8. Lovely arrangement,Jaya!Your plate of fish and rice looks so authentic and Bengali:)
    I was never too good with the Tilapia fillets and hence I opt to keep a safe distance always...but your recipe looks good to try.So,maybe I'll take a step forward to see how it goes for me:)Will let ya know!



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