
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Cod Fish Fry with Harissa

I wrote my first blog post in 2006 and it never occurred to me that I am inviting myself for a whole new experience. I thought it was more of a fluke for me at that time and other recipe posts written thereafter. For me, it was like a toy given to pacify a child. I was super excited that there is something called ‘Blogspot' and where I can write my ramblings and share recipes. This also happened in a spur of moment, never planned it and still it remains the same, even after fourteen years. God! its fourteen years in food blogging world. In between all these years, food blogging procedure has changed and so is the norm now. It has shifted its base readers to Instagram and other social platforms, but I being a stubborn, continued food blogging here.

Initial years, it was exciting to know about number of people subscribing to this blog. But now the initial euphoria has subsided, almost like gone with a wind. I have let go of the urge of updating the blog routinely and strictly also. When I feel like I need to write a post, then only I update. I know many of you who are regulars here may feel disappointed. There lies a virtual world and a real world and many go on to balance it well and few can’t. I will add another name in the last ‘few’. Well who else? The author herself!!

Let me write a thank you note starting from my sabziwali to dudhwala to machiwala, who made their contributions in their own way. After all what is a food blog, if I don’t mention them for providing me with their supply of choicest of fresh vegetables, fish and poultry. All that which looks good in pictures in this blog, should taste good as well, otherwise there is no point being a food blogger, well at least for me. I should also thank my readers who find some sort of familiarity when they visit here and try out recipes,or many can relate to the ramblings written over recipe posts. The intention is to have rough estimations and precise procedure for that particular recipe.

Thank you readers for being part of this fourteen years journey with me!!

Food has been integral part of many cultures, actually whole gamut of cultural revolution happened due to food – either its shortage or its availability. Spice routes were created to discover hidden treasure islands, from Columbus to Vasco Da Gama who explored sea routes to mysterious countries where spices can be found in abundant. And to discovery of Balti cuisine in a country known for eating mashed potatoes, Sunday roast and fish fry. Who would have thought our very own ‘Topse Mach Bhaja’ can be competing with deep fried Cod dressed in flour beer batter. Well dressing really makes the difference, isn’t? A Bengali Bhadra Lok Dhoti Clad and an English gentleman, both can devour their versions of fish fry in seconds. Last part is a bit exaggeration. But guess what, fish fry remained staple for both of them. Here comes a new version for this staple fish fry recipe.

Cod fish pairing up with North African spice blend ‘Harissa’ wrapped in flour beer batter.….err. I mean to say Cod fish fry with Harissa in Besan batter. When East meet West and they together meet South. The concoction formulates a perfect formula for a delicious fish fry. There you go now, north African can also join in to our cultural revolution. Presenting Cod fish fry with Harissa.

I have used store brought Harissa spice blend as its easily available in many super stores over here. World is a global village now, think Harissa spice blend is readily available in India as well.

Now to the recipe 


Cod Fish Fry with Harissa spice

Recipe requirements (serves 2-3)

  • Cod fish Fillets 200-250 gms (approx.)
  • 3 heaped tsp of Harissa powder
  • ½ tsp of salt
  • ½ cup of Besan/ Bengal gram flour
  • 1 tsp of harissa powder
  • ½ tsp of garlic powder
  • ½ tsp of salt
  • 2-3 tbs of cooking oil


  • Clean Cod fish fillets. Pat them dry with kitchen towels. Marinate them with harissa spice powder and salt.Keep aside for about an hour.
  • In a separate flat plate – mix besan, garlic powder, salt and more harissa powder. Clean hands with soap and water. You can make a wet batter as well with water. Then you will need water and more oil to deep fry them. This recipe relies mainly on coating the cod fish fillet with Besan, enough to hold the dry spices.
  • Now coat the Cod fish fillet with this besan+ harissa powder mixture. Leave aside for about half an hour.
  • Again, coat well the fish fillet with besan mixture by pressing gently with hands. This double coating seals the moisture on Cod fish fillets.
  • Put a sauté pan ( non-stick ) on heat. Add in cooking oil.
  • Add in marinating and well-coated Cod fish fillets, frying for 3-4 mints each side at medium flame.
  • Take out and serve.Tip- Other firm fish- like Haddock and Sea Bass fish fillet can also be used with Harissa.

Happy Cooking Friends!

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