
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Baked Puff Pastry with Cranberry Sauce

We are into last few days of December and today being Christmas gives me a reason to update the blog.
I have tried some recipes with puff pastry sheets, store bought though in past and they had been a hit with my family. Dear daughter even asks for a repeat of the recipe like this one, every festive season.
These puff pastry with cranberry sauce and topped with cream frosting was again well received at our dinner table. And this version is inspired by Brie and Cranberry puff pastry. I haven’t included brie cheese for this recipe though but still it’s very flavorful.

These looks pretty and with white cream frosting a very delicious combination. Now to the detailed recipe
Baked Puff pastry with Cranberry sauce
Recipe requirements
1 pack puff pastry sheet
½ cup of cranberry sauce
½ tsp of cinnamon powder
Some flour to roll the sheets
Take out the puff pastry sheets and let it thaw for a while.
Then dust off with some flour and roll into a rectangular sheet. Just to even out the surface of the puff pastry sheet.
Cut the sheet into half. Now put cranberry sauce on both the sheets.
Sprinkle cinnamon powder.
Now from one end start rolling towards middle stopping at middle. From the other side start rolling and let it come in touch with the other rolled sides. The puff pastry sheet will look like a log at this stage.
Secure the two sides well with each other. Now cut these rolled puff pastry log sheets into ½ inch thick pieces. From each log at least 5-6 pieces will come out. The shape will be more of a mini palmier.
Now preheat an oven at 160 Deg C. Put them on a floured baking tray for about 15-20 mints or till they come out nice golden in color.
Take out and let it cool off.

Prepare cream frosting
½ cup of double cream
1/4  cup of icing sugar
2 tbs of milk
Mix cream, icing sugar and milk and whip it to make small soft peaks.
Gently put this cream frosting over the cooled puff pastry pieces.
You can refrigerate for 1-2 hrs., before you start consuming them or you can enjoy straight away.
These are delicious as snacks as well.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the festive spirit linger on and creates cherished memories for you and yours. Enjoy and celebrate.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Chicken Curry

Its December and we are very near to roll up another year. The last leaf bid adieu to gorgeous autumn, bare and naked trees slowly embracing cold winter season. Each cycle of season changes, invokes myriad feelings. 

All shops and market places are decked up and looks absolutely festive and colorful these days. 

We have put up a Christmas tree just like every year. And it has lighted up our home with joy and contentment. Festivals revive our bonding with friends and family also. Live, Laugh and Love 💟😊

So, enjoy festivity and take time offs. We have another week of schooling and then we will be having Christmas holidays. Holidays makes me busy, yes you read it right. We have to plan to fill in our days with some activities or even a movie day out. We are looking forward to Star-Wars movie this December, let’s hope it doesn’t turn out to be a let-down for us.

Zara hat key! This is what my daughter told me when she did her tasting for this chicken curry recipe. Although she can’t pinpoint exact spices that went into making this chicken curry, but she liked the final product. Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out, how should I name this recipe but nothing came to my mind. 

Without adding up any further mysteries, I thought let me just put it as ‘Zara hat key’. We liked this as a leisurely paced Sunday lunch with warm paneer pulao/pilaf as accompaniment. This is from our kitchen to your world, presenting Zara hat key chicken curry.

Chicken Curry- Zara Hat Key
Recipe requirements
  • Chicken – 1kg
  • 4 medium size onions
  • 4-5 garlic cloves
  • ½ inch ginger
  • 3-4 dry red pepper
  • 1 medium size tomato
  • 2-3 medium size potato cut into half

  • ½ tsp of red pepper powder
  • 1 tsp of Kashmiri red pepper powder
  • 2 tsp of coriander powder
  •  ½ tsp of cumin powder
  • ¼ tsp of carom seeds
  • 3-4 cloves
  • 2-3 green cardamom
  • 1 tsp of whole black pepper
  • 1 tsp of Salt or as per taste
  • 2-3 tsp of ghee
  • ¼ cup of cooking oil

  • Wash and clean chicken pieces thoroughly. I have used chicken drumstick portions for this curry.
  • In a food processor or mixer/grinder, grind onions, garlic, ginger, tomato and dry red pepper in to a smooth paste. It would be better if you soak dry red peppers in warm water for about 1 hr or till they swell and become soft.
  • Now heat up a heavy bottomed fry pan, add cooking oil.
  • Add in the prepared paste, add in salt, turmeric powder, red pepper powder, Kashmiri red pepper powder, cumin powder and coriander powder and keep on stir/fry for 10-15 mints at medium high flame.
  • Meanwhile in a mortar/pestle, dry grind- carom seeds, cloves, cardamom, whole black pepper.
  • Now add in cut potatoes to the above fried masala paste. Add the dry masala powder that you have prepared earlier in mortar and pestle now.
  • Keep on stir/frying for about 8-10 mints more. Add in 2 cups of water. Preferably warm water.
  •  Now cover the pan and let it cook. Lower the flame and let it slowly cook in its own juices and all spices for about 30 -35 mints or till all the chicken pieces turns soft and cooked through well.
  • At the end add in ghee and mix well.

Happy Cooking Friends and Enjoy Festival Season 🙏

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sweet Potato Pancakes

We usually prepare pancakes for our Sunday breakfast. And we have liked simple pancakes, Banana pancakes Pear Pancake in past. I was inclined to use sweet potatoes in our meals and thought of mixing it with pancakes. 

The sweetness of sweet potatoes gelled very well with simple pancakes. They turned out light and fluffy but when eaten, will leave tummy satisfied for couple of hours. If there is a breakfast that can satisfy the soul and hungry tummy, then sweet potato pancake is the one.
Now to the recipe

Sweet Potato Pancakes
Recipe requirements (Makes – 5-6)
  • 2 large orange sweet potato
  • 2 cups of self-rising flour
  • 2 free range eggs
  • ¾ cup of milk
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • ¼ cup of cooking oil

  • In a big mixing bowl – mix self-rising flour with cinnamon powder and pinch of salt.
  • Boil sweet potatoes for 15-20 mints or till they turn soft. You can pressure cook for two whistles as well. Take out sweet potatoes in colander and drain the excess water. Keep it open for about 10-15 mints before you mash them well.  
  • Now add in egg one at a time, mixing well with flour. Add in mashed sweet potato.
  • Add in milk and mix well till there are no lumps left. The pancake batter should be smooth and a nice falling consistency.
  • Leave it aside for half an hour.
  • Heat up a heavy cast iron skillet /Tava/non-stick flat fry pan.
  • Add in 2 tsp of cooking oil spreading nicely.
  • Now scoop a full ladle of the batter and drop on the hot skillet.
  • Let the bubble surface out. Flip the side of the pancake once you see bubbles pop up nicely.
  • Cook the pancakes for another 2-3 mints. Each pancake will take 5-6 mints on low-medium flame to cook.
  • Serve hot with maple syrup, honey or butter or any other sauces you like.

Happy Cooking Friends 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Quinoa with Broccoli and Spring Onions

If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour.
-          Victoria Erickson

Autumn season is in its full vigor these days in our neck of the woods. The parks and roadside trees have acquired lovely fall colors all across. The walks into parks have become even more interesting and refreshing.

I happen to take these pictures yesterday, thought of sharing it here.
I have been thinking of including Quinoa in our daily meal plans. I picked this tricolor Quinoa from our local grocers couple of days ago. These are available very readily over here. I was more looking for a warm bowl of Quinoa cooked with some veggies. This Quinoa with broccoli, spring onion and potato stir/fry is a very satisfying meal when it comes to variations. Quinoa can easily be replaced with rice and pastas and are high in fiber and protein contents. So, when I no longer crave for rice, I can always skip it and replace it with Quinoa. Broccoli and spring onions are stir/fried with turmeric and red pepper powder which adds up to the flavor of this dish. This recipe is Diabetic friendly as well as Quinoa is whole grains (actually it’s a seed) in itself. You can replace Potatoes with orange sweet potatoes for a diabetic friendly recipe.

Now to the recipe
 Quinoa with Broccoli and Spring onions
Recipe requirements (serves 2)
  • ½ cup of Quinoa
  • 2 cups of broccoli florets
  • 1 medium size potato/or 1 medium size orange sweet potato
  • 1 bundle of spring onions
  • ½ tsp of turmeric powder
  • ½ tsp of red pepper powder
  • 2 dry red pepper
  • 1 tsp of salt+ ¼ tsp of salt for Quinoa
  • 2 tsp of cooking oil

  • Chop potato into small bite size pieces. Cut spring onion and separate broccoli florets.
  • Wash them well in water.
  • Put a fry pan over cooking flame. Add in cooking oil. Now add dry red pepper, potatoes, stir/fry them for 1-2 mints.
  • Add in broccoli and chopped spring onion. Keep on stir/fry for about 2-3 mints.
  • Add in turmeric powder, red pepper powder and salt.
  • Cover the lid and cook vegetables for about 7-10 mints or till the potatoes are soft enough.
  • Meanwhile the vegetables are cooking. Put a pot with ample water to cook Quinoa. For every quarter cup of Quinoa, add in 1 cup of water. Ratio should be 3:1. Add in salt as well.
  • Let the quinoa slowly cook in water for about 15-17 mints. Once cooked, drain the excess water.
  • Now place the cooked Quinoa over serving plate. Now assemble the stir/fried broccoli, potatoes and spring onions over it. Serve and enjoy.
Other Post on Quinoa- Quinoa with Scrambled eggs

Happy Cooking Friends

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Chocolate Pistachio Oats Bars and Happy Diwali

Festival season brings loads of memories of our childhood days. And being away from home means, it’s even more noticeable and felt. 

The smaller things which we took granted while growing up, resurfaces with intense feeling of recreating them in my kitchen. My Ma used to make namkins and sweets during festivals and these things which went unnoticed during those days, suddenly makes sense to me now, when I myself have started to make them from scratch these days. The preparation for festivals itself was a daunting affair but a very memorable experience for each one of us. The small nitty-gritty associated with festivals added up to the much-awaited festival days. 

The Diyas, we used to soak in water the night before Deepawali, and then would sundry next day morning, to be preparing them to light up on Deepawali- the ‘Amavasya’ night. The kitchen used to smell of various sweet aromas infused with desi ghee and the atmosphere around our neighborhood was filled with various sweet and savory aromas coming from neighboring kitchens and homes as well. We used to distribute sweets in our neighborhood and would look forward to the various goodies that used to come from our neighbors and well-wishers very eagerly. 

Deepawali is festival of lights, so diyas, candles and light bulbs were part of every homes, that used to celebrate Deepawali. Let me wish everyone a happy Diwali, may festival of light brings good health, happiness and prosperity to you and to your family.
There are loads of other things which suddenly sprung up in my mind, but I will like to reserve those for some other days.
I wanted to make each one of us notice the festivity, so made batches of Besan Laddos and Kaju Katlis and these Chocolate Pistachio Oats bars and send them over to dear daughter’s school friends and better half’s Deepawali celebrations in his office. Soon it will be Halloween as well and schools over here have closed for half term break, much needed solace from daily routine.

Now to the recipe for this post
Chocolate Pistachio Oats bars 
Recipe requirements ( Makes 40 bars approx )
  • Quick Oats- 3/4 cup
  • 1 bar chocolate ( 150 Gms of 35% chocolate )
  • 1 cup of shelled and chopped pistachios+ ¼ cup more for garnishing (finely chopped and crushed) 
  • 3/4 cup of flour
  • 2 cups of milk powder
  • 1 can condensed milk+ 2 tbs of milk
  • 3-4 tsp of ghee/clarified butter

  • Dry roast flour and oats for about 5-6 mints at medium flame or till the rawness is gone.
  • Take out in a separate bowl. Mix together well.
  • Now in the same pan, add in chocolate chunks and milk. Melt chocolate at low flame, stirring continuously. Take it off from the flame when some of the chocolate chunks starts to melt. You can microwave it also. Trick is not to burn the chocolate.
  • Add in condensed milk now. Mix well and add milk powder as well. Transfer the pan over to flame now.
  • Keep on stirring, the mixture will start to become more like a liquid consistency.
  • At this time add in flour and oats slowly about half a cup at a time, stirring continuously. Do not stop mixing the mixture.
  • Meanwhile grease a tray or plate with about 2 tsp of ghee.I ended up using 2 roasting trays.
  • Keep on stirring for about 7-8 mints, the content will start to collect well. Transfer the content to the prepared tin and even out the surface with the help of your hands or spoons.
  • Let it cool off a bit before you cut them into squares. Let it cool off and then transfer it to refrigerator. You can directly eat from fridge. These bars will remain fresh for about a week if kept in fridge.

Happy Cooking Friends and Have a Happy Diwali !!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Chicken Dry Curry- Murgir Makha-Makha Jhaal

The leaf of every tree, brings message
From the unseen world, look every
falling leaf is a blessing
-          Rumi

Past couple of days, its raining here, sometimes persistent and sometimes intermittent. We are observing sudden drop in temperatures in the mornings and evenings. If it rains the weather becomes cold and soggy which is typical of autumn season in this part of the world. 

Although, fall season has an enticing aura and grandeur. Each and every falling leaf has a beauty of its own. I was strolling out, in one of our local parks and tried to capture some moments with my mobile.

And also, this blog has turned 13. Thirteen long years have passed, when I first wrote a random blogpost in blogger in 2006.It feels nice to be connected to my readers, who have subscribed the blog posts and feeds.
Although, I am not that active in using other social media platforms, this blog still has some loyal readers. I must thank them and new readers for coming back here for recipes and more for years now.

Now to the recipe for todays post- chicken curry. I would not want to label this as curry. But I fail to come up with exact replica for ‘makha-makha jhal’ in English. I have taken some liberty in naming this dish chicken dry curry. I have used ajwain/carom seeds for making this dry curry, although it’s not the only ingredient, which I would like to highlight.
Although must admit ajwain/carom seeds being a digestive enhancer helps in balancing off the richness of the gravy that comes with walnuts and all whole garam masala ingredients.
The use of freshly grounded spices like mace, cloves and cardamom has infused much aroma to the gravy. The gravy was done in slow stir/fry type.
This is a work of patience, as you need to pound and grind the spices for a lovely aroma, which adds up to the gravy. I took the pictures with my mobile as usual. Hope, it justifies the texture of the gravy.

Now to the recipe.

Chicken Dry Curry- Murgir Makha-Makha Jhaal
Recipe requirements
  • Chicken – 1kg
  • 4 medium size onions
  • 4-5 garlic cloves
  • ½ inch ginger
  • 3-4 green chillies
  • 1 medium size tomato
  • 2-3 medium size potato cut into half
  • 5-6 walnuts
  • ¼ cup of raisins

  • 1 tsp of red pepper powder
  • 2 tsp of coriander powder
  • salt as per taste or 1 tsp 
  • 5-6 tbs of cooking oil 

To be freshly grounded
  • 2 tsp of whole black pepper
  • 4-5 cloves
  • 4-5 green cardamom
  • Few strands of mace
  • ¼ tsp of carom seeds
  • Wash and clean chicken pieces thoroughly. I have used 4 leg-sides portions for this curry which makes approx 1 kg of chicken.
  • In a food processor or mixer/grinder, grind onions, garlic, ginger, walnuts, raisins, tomato and green chillies to a smooth paste.
  • Now heat up a heavy bottomed fry pan, add cooking oil.
  • Add in the prepared paste, add in salt, turmeric powder, red pepper powder and coriander powder and keep on stir/fry for 10-15 mints.
  • Meanwhile in a mortar/pestle, dry grind- carom seeds, cloves, cardamom, whole black pepper and mace.
  • Now add in cut potatoes to the above. Add the dry grinded masala powder now.
  • Keep on stir/frying for about 5-7 mints more. 
  • Now cover the pan and let it cook. Do not add water, if you want a dry gravy with it. Lower the flame and let it slowly cook in its own juices and all spices for about 30 -35 mints or till all the chicken pieces turns soft and cooked through well.

Happy Cooking Friends

Friday, October 11, 2019

Orange Avocado and Mint Salad

Now that Ma Durga has gone back to Shiva’s abode with her children, leaving behind us with heavy hearts, the routine life for most of us has started whether you are living in New York, London or Kolkata or for that matter, any part of the world. Each and every year, we so look forward to spent these 4-5 days with loads of enthusiasm and zeal. But once those days are spent, the longing to spend, few more days keeps on coming back. I haven’t yet wished Vijayadashami to my readers. Let me wish everyone a Shobha Bijoya and Happy Dussehra.

I have been receiving few messages for Bijoya and Dussehra greetings. Couple of them got my attention, so thought its worth mentioning here. Dussehra festival is celebrated in India and abroad by Hindu people and it’s a very inclusive festival, where everyone is encouraged to participate and celebrate irrespective of their choice of religions. The community food distribution during these days is open to all sects of the society, where ever you can go and join in. The ethos implies in ‘Vasudhev Kutumba-kum’ in Sanskrit meaning -"Entire cosmos is our family". 

In today’s context Dussehra implies in these few lines.
The demon is always within.
The Goddess is always within.
The battle too, is always within.
And so is the triumph of one, over the other.
Which one, over which one?
That choice is also, somehow always within.”
Everyone is capable of making good choices for themselves, no matter how much adverse circumstances can be. As The headmaster of a wizard world ‘Hogwarts’- Albus Dumbledore once said to Harry Potter in the famous Book- Chamber of Secrets.
“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” The choices made by us defines our personalities as well.

Now to the recipe for this post- Orange Avocado and mint salad. We have been getting fresh oranges over here and since autumn and oranges go hand in hand, thought let me share a very simple salad recipe. After eating out all sorts of rich and festive food items, now its time to detox a bit. This salad is healthy and very diabetic friendly recipe. It is also good for people who wants to keep a watch on their blood pressure levels.
Now to the recipe
Orange Avocado and Mint salad
Recipe requirements
  • 2-3 oranges
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1cup of mint leaves
  • ½ cup of grated paneer
  • For dressing
  • 1-2 tsp of olive oil
  • Salt as per taste
  •  ¼ tsp of Crushed black pepper

  • Peel oranges and separate pieces. Cut and chop avocado, carrot into bite size pieces. Separate mint leaves from its twigs.
  • In a big salad bowl, put all the above – oranges, avocado, carrot and mint leaves.
  • Now grate a big block of paneer to get about a quarter cup.Add to the salad bowl.
  • Now add in olive oil and seasonings- salt and freshly crushed black pepper.
  • You can add red chilly flakes for an extra kick in the salad.
  • Tip- to make it even more filling, can add cooked black beans or rajma as well.

Happy Cooking Friends 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Chicken Cutlets

Autumn invokes warmth and the familiarity associated with festivity. With harvest festival Halloween end of this month in western hemisphere and in other part of the hemisphere Navaratri and Deepawali in tows, autumn season has become even more happening and beautiful.

Next four days are very busy for every Bengali as its Durga Pujo.
Let me wish everyone Shubh Navaratri and Happy Durga Pujo. Enjoy and celebrate with good food in good company.
These chicken cutlets have turned out delicious and you can try out making them. These are great as starters and makes great accompaniment with Pulao and Korma.
More Durga Pujo recipes over Here.

Now to the recipe

Chicken Cutlets

Recipe Requirements
  • Roasted chicken- ( recipe link )300 gms
  • 1 big purple onion
  • 5-6 green chillies
  • 1/2 cup of finely chopped coriander leaves
  • Spices and seasoning
  • 2 tsp of coriander powder
  • 1 tsp of cumin powder
  •  1 tsp of garam masala
  • ½ tsp of cinnamon powder
  •  2 tsp of red pepper powder
  • 2 tsp of freshly grounded black pepper
  • ½ tsp of ajwain (carom) seeds
  • 1 tsp of salt or as per taste
  •  2-3 tbs of cooking oil for pan frying
  • Chop onion, garlic and green chillies.
  • Take roasted chicken in a bowl. Add all of the chopped onions, garlic and green chillies into it.
  • Add salt, red pepper powder, coriander powder, garam masala and freshly grounded black pepper, cinnamon powder and cumin powder. Add in finely chopped coriander leaves.Mix them well with hands.
  • Refrigerate the mixture for about an hour so that the mixture gets firmer and it will be easy to shape up patties. Divide the mixture into 5-6 portions and shape them like patties.
  • Put a non-stick tava/skillet on flame at medium flame.
  • Drop about a tsp of oil. Tava fry them for about 3-4 mints at medium flame have a nice dark brown crust.
  • Take out and serve.
Happy Cooking Friends. And Sobaike Sharodiya Shubecha-  শারদীয়া শুভেচ্ছা  ও প্রীতি সবাইকে। পুজো খুব ভালো কাটোগ সবাইকার। Happy Durga Pujo !! 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Let Me Take You Far Away -3

‘Once a year go someplace, you have never been before.’
            -Dalai Lama
I have travelled many places, but when it comes to Wales, this place has always fascinated me. 

I have talked about our time outs in Wales over here and here  in past. This place has special connections with me.  

Llanfairfechan- Wales

North wales is blessed with plenty of hiking paths, walking trails, quaint cities, historical castles and the beaches are also very nice. The sea-water is very cold to our standards, but locals find it absolutely comfortable.


I cannot imagine dipping myself in that cold North Wales sea water. Anyways, but I never skip a chance of wetting my toes in sea water whenever I am near to it.

Llanfairfechan pebble beach 

One was pebble beach in llanfairfechan. I also caught a glimpse of jelly fish, and after that I was little skeptical of stepping in to the sea water. The beach has a lovely café where you can relax with cup a coffee or have different flavors of ice creams as well. They have a fantastic menu as well in case you want to grab a quick lunch. 

The corner of that café was very peaceful. As this is a small town, all cafés close early as well. There was no rush to do things. It was a leisurely paced day for us at the beach.
We have spent 5-6 days in a rental and where every night, I used to cook meal after our days out. The coziness of the rental felt home to me as well. Even though, I didn’t have my spice box or our daily pantry, but churning out simple soul food was very satisfying for me. 
Even a simple ‘khichdi’ was delicious, uplifting and satisfying to the soul, which we used to have amidst our banters.

Portmeirion Village- inside

Small Italian replica village was well worth a visit in Minffordd. The interiors of this place resemble like an Italian village with good eating places and cafes. 

A day should be spent over here.There is a hotel as well, in case you need to spend a night. The days are busy over there, as hordes of tourist visit this place, all across the globe. 

Once those tourist buses depart in evenings, you can spend some quiet time over there. As we were visiting during summer holidays, it was very busy and a bustling place.

Portmeirion -Wales

Isle of Anglesey, Holyhead-
Beautiful and peaceful that comes to my mind when I want to write about Holyhead.Isle of Anglesey is a small island connected to mainland through two bridges. Minai Strait runs in between the island and mainland Wales. 
Anglesey is considered an area of outstanding natural beauty with its rugged coastlines, beautiful beaches, towering cliffs and vibrant flora and fauna.South Stack Lighthouse is well worth a stop.

South Stack Lighthouse-Holyhead

We spend a day in the island exploring Holyhead and Lladdwyn beach in Newborogh. 
Holyhead is famous for the south stack lighthouse. The rugged coastlines and vastness of sea was very magnificent. During peak nestling times, Puffins come here and set their nests in May. We were little late though as in August they all fly back to their respective homes. Puffins are endangered species now.
Lladdwyn beach 

The beach with its beautiful sand dunes and landscapes is considered a very lovely place to spend a day with loads of activities- from wind surfing, kite flying to pebble stacking etc. The area is well conserved and has a very minimal toll to enter, but I guess it’s required to maintain the surrounding and its landscape.There are two mini food vans in the premise, in case you want to grab a quick tea/coffee or some snacks. We loved the Victoria sponge cake and hot chocolate also.

Caernarfon Castle-inside

A fantastic port town with a historical castle. The ruins in castle depicts a story from a bygone era. It is here that Prince Charles had his investiture in 1969.The site is now listed in UNESCO world heritage site. 

We spent half of our day in exploring this castle and its various tunnels. The castle has a unique feature with polygonal towers.

 It’s a small town with limited eateries and café. But well worth a visit is a lovely Fish and Chip shop, whose owners have a friendly approach.

Caernarfon Street

They make the fish right in front of you. We ordered Cod with chips, which was delicious. Once in a while fish and chips should be eaten. Let me tell the name of the shop in case you want to have fish and chips-’’ Ainsworth Fish and Chips’’. We also bought some souvenirs as well. Dear daughter bought few for her friends as well. 

I like this coaster and this love spoon a lot. Celtic love spoon is a very memorable gift for someone you love. These fine hand-crafted wooden spoons are very poignant. 

Celtic Lovespoon

The giving and receiving Celtic love spoon between lovers, family and friends is a very old Welsh tradition from 17th century. Young men usually carve these spoons from one piece of wood with symbols such as hearts, Celtic knotwork, bells and horseshoe to give away as everlasting gifts.

Aber falls, Abergwyngregyn-
Aber falls is a fantastic place for a wonderful day out. The walk towards falls is very manageable and passes through significant natural beauty. 

Aber Falls Walk - starting point

There are many points where you can stop and look afar and take pictures. 

The epitome of this walk is the fall itself, which never disappoints. The falls after a rainy spell looks even more beautiful. The only problem is car parking.

Aber Falls

If you can get a fine spot, you are all set to explore this beautiful place.

There were times, when we just did picnic with home packed lunches and lost account of our time. 

And that is how holidays should be-no timetable and no rushing through.
Wales as usual, always give beautiful surprises and is worth a visit. There are still many quaint towns and places we haven’t ventured out, someday those will be visited as well.

You have a great weekend ahead.Wishing every one Shobho Mahalaya in advance.Enjoy and celebrate.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Peach Upside Down Cake

We are embracing colder mornings and evenings last couple of days now, paving up its way for autumn season here. While, I do appreciate every season, as each has its own charm. Autumn is somewhat more colorful and enticing. I got a peek into nature’s cycle with few colorful leaves fallen on my walking trails. I tried to capture with my mobile phone and this is what I got.

 I have completely stopped using DSLR these days and all these food pics that you all keep seeing here are mobile phone camera captures. May be, I am losing the habit of carrying or using DSLR camera these days. I may like to think the quality is passable, as I don’t rely on heavy use of editing software.
 This kills the natural tones and color of that particular shots. 

Although, I can’t imagine completely shunning the use of DSLR cameras, but as of now it’s me, my mobile and my solitudes, that works fine for me.

I want to squeeze in every bit of whatever golden summer days are left over here. I have been buying peaches a lot these days and was thinking of making a cake with them. This cake turned out dense with a nice sweet peachy layer on top-absolutely scrumptious. I have used whole wheat flour with plain flour and am planning to make next batch with whole wheat flour completely. That will make the cake even more dense with a nice textured fruity and peachy cake.

Here is the recipe for peach upside down cake
Peach Upside Down Cake
Recipe requirements
  • 3-4 peaches
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 and half tsp of baking powder
  • ½ tsp of baking soda
  • ¾ cup of caster sugar
  • 3-4 tbs of yogurt
  • 1 tsp of vanilla essence
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup spreadable butter
  • 3-4 tbs of light muscovado sugar
  • 2-3 pinches of salt

  • Take out spreadable butter, egg and yogurt and let it all come to the room temperature.
  • Peel the skin and destone peaches and slice them neatly.
  • Sift flour and add in baking powder, baking soda and salt.
  • In a big mixing bowl, cream together spreadable butter and castor sugar. Add in vanilla essence.
  • Add in 1 egg at a time, mixing very well. Add in yogurt.
  • Now mix this wet mixture with the dry mixture and make a smooth cake batter.
  • Preheat oven at 175 deg and prepare the cake tin. Spread some butter on the tin and then flour.
  • Arrange peach slices well over the sprinkled muscovado sugar.
  • Now pour in the cake batter and tap it gently.
  • Put the cake tin in preheated oven and bake it for 40-45 mints or till the middle of the cake comes out clean, when pricked with a toothpick or wooden skewer.
  • Take out and cool and flip the sides.Peach upside down cake is ready.Enjoy.

Happy Cooking Friends