
Friday, October 28, 2011

Apple Pear Oats Smoothie

Well it’s almost weekend friends.Weekend seems to come and go like jiffy. Last time on weekend, when we were out in a park, our dear daughter asked us to hand over our point and shoot camera to her. She is one chirpy girl who always is fascinated by nature and loves to spend time around the activities of park.She is a nature girl for sure.Give her a choice of picking study book or stroll around in a park, she would always pick the latter option happily.
Below are some of the pictures she clicked........

 I had just set the camera in different modes our point and shoot camera has. And I was amazed when we downloaded the pictures. Some of them left me in awe.

DD- Row of trees, Now how should I get the zoom shot, Pa could you please tell me ?

Pa- Ask Ma, she is the one using this camera most of the time for her food blog.I cant remember when was the last time I got hold of it.

DD- Yeah, I know tat, but I want the pictures of Ladybugs....

A gorgeous ladybug ..(Although when Ma slowly slided that over my palms last time,I shrieked.....shhh!!

another ....

Another on a dry brown leaf..I got shadow of a tree in background as well...

How is like the other side of leaf ?

Now who's eaten those portions ? I wonder !!

Why is these long patches on leaf  Ma ?

Look what I found, a friendly and daring squirrel.Have you ever seen this Ma and Pa ?

Fall colors couldn’t seem beautiful earlier……these are perhaps some of the best shots from our our dear daughter.What you say?

Now to the recipe
This smoothie recipe is a request from my daughter, who loves yogurt drinks. So, when we were doing our weekly grocery shopping together, she told me to buy yogurt drink. I told her we can make this in home. But then after coming to home, I forgot about it. However, somehow the idea kept going inside her mind, she didn’t forget. The other morning she came to me and reminded about her yogurt drink. So, here is what I added in her smoothie. I had apples, pears and oats granola and also some walnuts. Her yogurt drink or smoothie was ready in minutes. I would say sometimes recipes just come to your mind in jiffy as well.Isn’t?

Apple Pear Oat Smoothie
1 apple
3-4 tbs of  Oats Granola
1 pear
½ cup of plain yogurt (onken)
Some walnut chunks
¼ cup of double cream
Sugar as per taste

Peel the outer skin of apple and pear. Slice them into pieces.
Pulse through all yogurt, cream, fruits, oat granola and toasted walnuts in a grinder/mixer. Add in sugar.
Add cream and pulse through for 1 mint. Check for the sweetness.
Serve and enjoy.
If you wish to make it light then add water and replace double cream with condensed milk.
Or you may add honey in place of sugar.

And up close and personal, stock your food before the winter hits hard.

Enjoy your weekend friends , Happy Cooking


  1. lovely post delicious smoothie looks wonderful

  2. Beautiful shots, am loving this fabulous smoothie,i do prepare quite often..

  3. Delicious n yummy smoothie..lovely clicks of the cute squirrel!
    First time to your space,glad to follow you:-)
    Do drop by my space too
    Erivum Puliyum

  4. Beautiful clicks! Loved the smoothie too.

  5. very flavorful n interesting dish jaya..
    happy following you..:)
    love to see you in my space too..
    Tasty Appetite

  6. Hello Jaya,
    I really enjoy reading your blog and wanted to pass on the Triple Cute Awards to your blog! Congratulations and please visit my post to know more about this!

  7. TVT,
    Thanks for liking the post..

    Thanks ..

    Hi and warm welcome here..

    thank you,

    Thanks ..will hop to your place sometimes..

    I really appreciate for your kind thoughts..and thanks for thinking about me..

    Thanks all for coming by
    hugs and smiles


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